Independent technical assessment of stress test scenarios for the 2023/2024 winter period confirmed the reliability of gas storage in Ukraine’s UGS

To mitigate the risks associated with war, the Naftogaz Group is constantly working with partners to guarantee accumulation, storage and withdrawal of gas volumes in/from Ukraine’s UGS by non-resident companies and traders in the conditions of war.
To confirm the reliability of gas storage in Ukraine and a possibility of its transportation to the EU border, a working group of representatives of the USAID Energy Security Project (ESP), the Energy Community Secretariat (EnCS), the Directorate General “Joint Research Center” of the European Commission (JRC), NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine, JSC Ukrtransgaz, the Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine (GTSOU) and Simone Research Group (SRG) conducted modeling of operation of Ukrainian gas transmission system (GTS) and underground gas storages (UGS) under possible crisis scenarios in case of emergencies that could be provoked by enemy attacks on Ukraine's gas infrastructure. The modeling results were subject to an independent technical assessment. Modeling of possible scenarios proved the technical capabilities of withdrawing gas from Ukraine’s UGS and transporting it to the EU borders in the volumes expected to be accumulated in the customs warehouse regime in storages. The relevant Note is published on a website of the USAID ESP:
“Together with our partners, we have developed various stress test scenarios for our underground gas storage system. We have enough capacities to withdraw natural gas even in case of damage to the gas infrastructure as a result of enemy attacks. This was confirmed by an independent technical assessment,” emphasized Roman Maliutin, an Acting General Director of Ukrtransgaz.
Ukraine’s UGS reserve capacity and GTS maneuverability allow to ensure withdrawal and delivery of required volumes of gas under all modeled stress test scenarios.
As a reminder: the largest energy market players are already injecting gas into Ukraine’s UGS.