
Booking & Payment

Basic services:


Basic services of natural gas storage (injection, withdrawal) are provided based on the Storage Agreement subject to advance payment. The services can be booked by submitting an Application based on the published available capacities of the Storage System Operator (SSO) that is the subject of allocation. Capacities are allocated on the next business day.


MANUAL: Capacity booking 

Invoice generation 

Publication and capacity allocation timeline. Storage Year 2024-2025

Annual and Bundled capacity

Annual capacity consists only of the working volume.

Bundled capacity is a package service consisting of seasonal withdrawal/injection capacities and annual working volume while all three parameters may be different. Applications for Annual and Bundled capacities are submitted for a period of one to four storage years.

The volumes of available capacities to be allocated are published on the I-Platform by the SSO 30 calendar days prior to the last Monday of January. Applications are submitted within two weeks before the 2nd Monday of February.

Both services are firm.

Seasonal and monthly capacity

This capacity is available for withdrawal, injection and working volume services. The capacity provided in the season is firm and conditionally firm (60/30), the capacity provided out of season is interruptible.

Conditionally firm capacity is the capacity provided to the Customer with a guarantee of the right to use it, provided that the Customer complies with the condition of a nomination submission by 15:00 for D+1;

The capacity of the working volume is firm.

Applications for capacity allocation for a season are submitted for one season. Capacities available for allocation are published 30 calendar days prior to the last Monday in January for the injection season and 30 calendar days prior to the last Monday in July for the withdrawal season, and applications can be submitted within two weeks prior to the 2nd Monday in February for the injection season and prior to the 2nd Monday in August for the withdrawal season.

Applications for allocation of monthly capacity are submitted 1st- 3rd Monday of the current month for one month in advance and/or for any months until the end of the storage year. The available capacity for allocation is published 5 business days prior to 1st Monday of the current month for the next month and until the end of the storage year.

Day-ahead services

Daily capacity is provided for injection, withdrawal and working volume, if no other capacity has been allocated, subject to advance payment.

The daily capacity of the working volume is automatically allocated upon confirmation of the withdrawal and injection nominations and is interruptible or upon confirmation of the working volume trade notification and is firm.


  • Administration of transfer of natural gas

This service is free of charge. It provides the Customers with access to the virtual gas transmission point in the underground gas storages  (hereinafter – the «UGS»). It includes confirmation of trade notifications and accounting for the transfer of natural gas stored in UGS.

The service is also available for Customers which store gas in the “customs warehouse” regime. It allows the transfer of gas on the basis of confirmed trade notifications for both resident and non-resident companies.


Ukrainian and foreign Customers have an opportunity to store natural gas in Ukrainian UGS without paying taxes and customs duties for 1095 days with an option of the further sale in Ukraine by the customs clearance or re-export to EU countries.

The service enables gas Owners to minimize operating costs and ensure both short- and long-term storage of gas in UGS at the most favorable rates.

At the beginning of the 2020/2021 heating season, The storage Clients stored 11.2 bcm of gas in the “customs warehouse” regime. This represents 40% of the total gas reserves in Ukrainian UGS.


  • “Customs warehouse” + short-haul

Short-haul has been implemented by Transmission System Operator since  January 1, 2020. It provides the Customers with access to UGS at the reduced tariffs for transmission between certain entry or exit points on the interconnection points.

The service is available in combination with gas storage in the “customs warehouse” regime and is defined as capacity with restrictions.

Short-haul rates are on average 4 times cheaper than standard when booking day-ahead services.


Additional services:


A service that allows the Owners of gas stored in the UGS to use it as a bank pledge when obtaining loans. At the same time, representatives of the lending bank are enabled to monitor all transactions with the gas pledged. The functionality is available for banking institutions via the  I-platform 24/7.


  • Exchange gas trading in UGS

A service that provides the Customers with access to standardized exchange products for trade in natural gas stored in underground gas storage facilities of Ukraine. Gas auctions through the electronic platform of the Ukrainian Energy Exchange are available for both resident and non-resident companies.