



The procedure for annual capacity booking by the SSO’s clients

The Storage System Operator of Ukraine informs that free gas storage capacity which is the subject of the annual capacity allocation procedure for the following 4 storage years, starting from April 1, 2024, has been brought to the attention of the customers by means of a personal mailing and notification in the SSO’s I-Platform.

The application for allocation of annual capacity is submitted by a customer in electronic form via the personal customer’s cabinet on I-platform from February 01 till February 15, 2024. Applications for each storage year are submitted separately.

In case of annual capacity booking, the customer gets the following benefits:

  • working volume is provided on the firm basis during the whole period of annual capacity provision;
  • injection is provided on the firm basis during basic injection season (according to injection curves);
  • withdrawal is provided on the firm basis during basic withdrawal season (according to withdrawal curves);
  • advantageous tariffs when booking annual capacity.
  • payments for annual services are carried out on the monthly basis during the respective year of annual services provision.  

Should you have any issues on annual capacity booking, please, contact us:

Capacity booking:, тел.: +38 (044) 461-26-52; +38 (044) 299-73-40

Commercial dispatching:, +38 066-133-77-73 (цілодобово)


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

The Storage System Operator of Ukraine


For the attention of customers of transportation services: implementation of REMIT in Ukraine

JSC Ukrtransgaz informs that on 04 October 2023 the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission adopted Resolution No. 1812 on approval of the Procedure for the Registration of Wholesale Energy Market Participants (hereinafter: the Resolution), which entered into force on 15 October 2023.

Resolution stipulates that from 01 February 2024, transactions with wholesale energy products may be carried out exclusively by entities who have registered as wholesale energy market participants in accordance with the Procedure for registering wholesale energy market participants, approved by the Resolution. The registration form is an annex to the Resolution, which can be downloaded via the link. In accordance with point 2.4 of the Procedure for Registration of Wholesale Energy Market Participants and the information posted on the NEURC website, the registration form can be sent to the NEURC:

1) by an authorized representative who is a resident of Ukraine, in electronic form in “xls” or “xlsx” format using:

  1. a) NEURC website (submit the registration form);
  2. b) The portal of electronic services of the Ministry of Economy ( or the Diya Portal “Guide to State Services” (;

with the imposition of a qualified electronic signature of an authorized representative and/or a qualified electronic seal (if available) in compliance with the requirements of the laws of Ukraine “On electronic documents and electronic document management” and “On electronic trust services” in the format supported by the Central Certification Body;

2) by an authorized representative, who is a non-resident of Ukraine, in paper form on purpose or by postal delivery to the address of the NEURC: 19 Simyi Brodskykh St, Kyiv 03057, Ukraine (the original of the completed registration form signed by the authorized representative) with the simultaneous submission of the registration form in electronic form in “xls” or “xlsx” format through the NEURC official website without applying a qualified electronic signature.

If an authorized representative acts on the basis of a duly executed and legalized power of attorney or order (for employees of an entity), a copy of such power of attorney or order shall be sent together with the registration form.


In accordance with point 4 of the Resolution, the registration campaign lasts until 01 February 2024, after which wholesale energy market participants without registration are prohibited from conducting transactions with wholesale energy products.

The provisions of Article 59 (2)(17) of the Law of Ukraine “On the Natural Gas Market” making transactions with wholesale energy products without registration as a wholesale energy market participant recognized as a violation on the natural gas market.

Respectfully yours,

The Storage System Operator of Ukraine

+38 (044) 299-73-20, +38 (044) 461-28-46, +38 (044) 461-20-44


The procedure for annual capacity booking by the SSO’s clients

The Storage System Operator of Ukraine informs that free gas storage capacity which is the subject of the annual capacity allocation procedure for the following 4 storage years, starting from April 1, 2023, has been brought to the attention of the customers by means of a personal mailing and notification in the SSO’s I-Platform.

The application for allocation of annual capacity is submitted by a customer in electronic form via the personal customer’s cabinet on I-platform from February 01 till February 15, 2023. Applications for each storage year are submitted separately.

In case of annual capacity booking, the customer gets the following benefits:

  • working volume is provided on the firm basis during the whole period of annual capacity provision;
  • injection is provided on the firm basis during basic injection season (according to injection curves);
  • withdrawal is provided on the firm basis during basic withdrawal season (according to withdrawal curves);
  • advantageous tariffs when booking annual capacity.
  • payments for annual services are carried out on the monthly basis during the respective year of annual services provision.  

Should you have any issues on annual capacity booking, please, contact us:

Capacity booking:, тел.: +38 (044) 461-26-52; +38 (044) 299-73-40

Commercial dispatching:, +38 066-133-77-73 (цілодобово)


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

The Storage System Operator of Ukraine


Dear clients,

Pursuant to the conditions set out in paragraph 3.2 of section 3 of the Service agreement for declaration of natural gas transported across the customs border of Ukraine (hereinafter – the «Agreement») we inform you on the tariff change for declaration services from 01.02.2022.


Tariffs for customs clearance services of natural gas from 01.02.2022 till 31.12.2022.


Service description

Tariff for services

until 01.02.2022р

Tariff for services from 01.02.2022р


Filling and drawing up of periodic customs declaration

4 543,82 UAH., including the value added tax (VAT) 757,30 UAH

4 730,29 UAH., including the value added tax (VAT) 788,38 UAH


Filling and drawing up of additional declaration to the periodic customs declaration

4 543,82 UAH., including the value added tax (VAT) 757,30 UAH

4 730,29 UAH., including the value added tax (VAT) 788,38 UAH


The equivalent in US dollars

157,77 дол. США



The equivalent in Euro

129,45 Євро


 To the attention of customers who are not residents of Ukraine!!! From 01.02.2022 the cost of one customs clearance service is determined exclusively in UAH (without the equivalent in US dollars and Euros). When making payments in foreign currency (in US dollars or Euros), please take into account the exchange rate fluctuations. Crediting of payment takes place in accordance with the official exchange rate of the National Bank of Ukraine, which is set on the date of crediting funds to the account of the Contractor!!!Respectfully yours,Storage System Operator of Ukraine



The procedure for annual capacity booking by the SSO’s clients

The Storage System Operator of Ukraine informs that free gas storage capacitis which will be the subject to the annual capacity allocation procedure for the following 4 storage years, starting from April 1, 2022, shall be 14 bcm. 

The application for allocation of annual capacity, for each storage year separately, is submitted by a customer via the electronic personal customer’s cabinet on I-platform from February 01 till February 15, 2022. 

Annual capacity booking has a number of advantages including the provision of access to the working volume during the period of service provision, as well injection and withdrawal capacities within the relevant basic seasons on a guaranteed basis; favorable tariffs and convenient monthly payment system.


Should you have any issues on annual capacity booking, please, contact us:

Capacity booking:, +38 (044) 461-26-52; +38 (044) 299-73-40

Commercial dispatching:, +38 066-133-77-73 (24/7).


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

The Storage System Operator of Ukraine


Dear client,

Due to the automation of the process of providing services for declaration of natural gas transported across the customs border of Ukraine, namely submitting the Customer’s order for  declaration services through the personal cabinet of the I-platform, we inform you about the approval of the new drafts of Service agreement for declaration of natural gas transported across the customs border of Ukraine (hereinafter – the «Agreement») (attached). Additionally, new drafts of the Agreement can be found on the official website of JSC "Ukrtransgaz" at the link

Also, in compliance with the terms of paragraph 3.2 of section 3 of the Agreement, we inform you on the tariff change for declaration services from 01.05.2021.

Tariffs for customs clearance services of natural gas





Service Description


Tariff for services until 01.05.2021


Tariff for services from 01.05.2021


Filling and drawing up of periodic customs declaration

3 961,15 UAH., including the value added tax (VAT) 660,19 UAH

4 543,82 UAH., including the value added tax (VAT)

757,30 UAH


Filling and drawing up of additional declaration to the periodic customs declaration

3 961,15 UAH., including the value added tax (VAT) 660,19 UAH

4 543,82 UAH., including the value added tax (VAT) 757,30 UAH


The equivalent in US dollars

144,04 dollars. USA

157,77 dollars. USA


The equivalent in Euro

129,45 Eur

129,45 Eur


Pay attention! The customers, which intent to enter into the Agreement in April 2021, will use the new draft and specify both tariffs - the tariff until 01.05.2021  and tariff from 01.05.2021 - in the annex to this Agreement.

Current customers of declaration services of natural gas transported across the customs border of Ukraine will be sent the algorithm of further actions additionally.


Respectfully yours,

Storage System Operator of Ukraine



Dear client,

We would like to inform you about the introduction of a temporary algorithm of actions for declaration and customs clearance of operations with natural gas injected into / withdrawn from the customs warehouse regime. It will be valid until the adoption of the draft law "On Amendments to certain Laws of Ukraine on the Introduction of Natural Gas Accounting and Calculations by Volume of Gas in Units of Energy" № 2553 dated as of December 16, 2019.

This algorithm will be applied EXCLUSIVELY for declaration and customs clearance of operations with natural gas and will not in any way affect the relationship between the Storage System Operator of Ukraine and customers of gas storage services. Adoption of the algorithm is necessary to resolve differences between the norms of Ukrainian legislation, which has made it impossible of conduct operations with natural gas in the customs regime "customs warehouse" since early April 2021 (more on this in the text of the letter).

  1. Since April 1, 2021 while injecting natural gas in the "customs warehouse" regime, the holder of the customs warehouse shall indicate the information on the volume of gas in units of volume (in addition to indication of natural gas volumes in the energy units) in the following documents:
  • Periodic Customs Declaration (IM74), provided by the Customer as the shipping documents,
  • Additional Customs Declaration (IM74), allocations provided by the Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine on the basis of the indicators of cross-border GMS specified in the protocols of natural gas delivery and acceptance by the carriers.

    2. Since April 1, 2021 while withdrawing natural gas from the «customs warehouse» regime, the holder of the customs warehouse shall indicate the information on the volume of gas in units of volume (in addition to indication of natural gas volumes in the energy units) in the following documents:
  • Periodic Customs Declaration (ЕC 11), provided by the Customer as the shipping documents,
  • Additional Customs Declaration (ЕC 11), allocations provided by the Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine on the basis of the indicators of cross-border GMS specified in the protocols of natural gas delivery and acceptance by the carriers.

We thank you for understanding the situation and apologize for the inconvenience!

We remind you that since April 1, 2021 the Energy Customs of Ukraine has started to calculate natural gas exclusively in the energy units (kWh) during the declaration and customs clearance of natural gas, placed in the Customs warehouse regime, The state body is guided by the norms established by the Law of Ukraine “On the Customs Tariff of Ukraine” № 674-IX  as of 04.06.2020. It requires the use of additional metering of natural gas in energy units.

At the same time, the draft law "On Amendments to certain Laws of Ukraine on the Introduction of Natural Gas Accounting and Calculations by Volume of Gas in Units of Energy" № 2553 dated as of December 16, 2019 has not been adopted, which provides for the transition to accounting of natural gas in energy units from May 1 of this year. It was discussed in the relevant committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and is awaiting a second reading. Thus, the Storage System Operator of Ukraine and other market participants could not meet the requirements of the Energy Customs of Ukraine. Due to differences in the texts of legislative acts, operations with natural gas in the Customs Warehouse regime were actually blocked from 1 to 5 April 2021.

As a result of the nogotiations, initiated by the Storage System Operator of Ukraine, and conducted between the State Customs Service of Ukraine, Energy Customs of Ukraine and Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine, it was possible to resolve the issue of declaration and customs clearance of operations with natural gas stored in the Customs warehouse regime, through the adoption of a temporary algorithm of actions.


The procedure for annual capacity booking by the SSO’s clients

The Storage System Operator of Ukraine informs that free gas storage capacitis which will be the subject to the annual capacity allocation procedure for the following 4 storage years, starting from April 1, 2021, shall be 7 bcm. The application for allocation of annual capacity is submitted by a customer in electronic form via the personal customer’s cabinet on I-platform from February 01 till February 15, 2021. Applications for each storage year are submitted separately.

In case of booking annual capacity, the customer gets the following benefits:

  1. Working volume is provided on the firm basis during the whole period of annual capacity provision;
  2. Injection is provided on the firm basis during basic injection season (according to injection curves);
  3. Withdrawal is provided on the firm basis during basic withdrawal season (according to withdrawal curves);
  4. Advantageous tariffs when booking annual capacity: tariffs for annual services are 20% less than individual day-ahead services and 10% less than individual monthly services.
  5. Payments for annual services are carried out on the monthly basis during the respective year of annual services provision.

Should you have any issues on annual capacity booking, please, contact us:

Capacity booking:, тел.:+38 (044) 298-81-08, +38 (044) 461-23-62, (вн. 23-62), +38 (044) 298-81-08, (вн. 26-52)

Commercial dispatching:, тел.: +38 (032) 234-93-31, +38 (032) 259-09-53,  +38 066-133-77-73 (цілодобово).


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

The Storage System Operator of Ukraine


Dear client,

We draw your attention that starting from December 1, 2020 the Storage System Operator of Ukraine launches the procedure of submitting nominations/renominations in the customs regime "customs warehouse" and in the customs regime "customs warehouse" (short-haul) indicating the PCD's (Periodic Customs Declaration) number (Template). The updated template can be downloaded from the I-platform while creating nominations/renominations drafts. In order to download the template it is necessary to indicate the date 01.12.2020.


JSC "Ukrtransgaz"


Dear customers,

In order to improve the quality of the services provided, JSC "Ukrtransgaz" is enhancing measures to verify customers of gas storage services and implementing the international standard KYC (Know your customer - Know your client).

The KYC verification includes a set of measures, including the identification of the participants and the ultimate beneficial owner (s) of the counterparty, as well as the verification of the application of sanctions to the counterparty, its participants and the ultimate beneficial owners.

Since then customers who intend to enter into an agreement on natural gas storage (injection, withdrawal) with JSC "Ukrtransgaz", have to fill out a special questionnaire for counterparty KYC. It is necessary to indicate the affiliation to the industrial and financial group, participants and

ultimate beneficial owners of the counterparty and information on the ownership structure of the counterparty.

We kindly ask you to learn about, fill in and send documents (KYC questionnaire for counterparty), which are attached to this letter, to JSC "Ukrtransgaz.

The implementation of new European standards in the company's work helps to increase credibility of the Gas Storage Operator’s activity by both existing and potential customers of the company, as well as improve business relationships with them.

Sincerely yours,

Front-office team



For the attention of the UGS customers!!!

Due to the record gas injection level of the Ukrainian UGS, JSC Ukrtransgaz has performed the function of monitoring of free injection/withdrawal capacity via the website and SSO`s Information Platform.


In order to inform customers about free capacity of the underground storage facilities which is available for allocation, please, be informed, that since August 2020 the information on free injection / withdrawal capacity for the current day and the day ahead has been posting both on the website of Ukrtransgaz JSC and in the customer’ s cabinet of the SSO`s Information platform.


The data are communicated to the customers by publishing on its website by 10 a.m. of the previous gas day. The SSO publishes updated information taking into  consideration daily nominations and unnominated capacity as of 6 p.m. of the previous gas day in accordance with the Chapter 1 of Section VII of the Gas Storage Facilities Code. In the customer’s cabinet the information is updated each time after the nomination/renomination procedure completion, taking into account the need to perform the submitted nominations / renominations of customers who use storage services (injection, withdrawal) on a guaranteed basis.


Important information! In accordance with the Chapter 3 of Section IX of the Gas Storage Facilities Code, injection/withdrawal during the day shall be made gradually with hourly schedule. Therefore, while submitting nominations / renominations, please take into account the fact that individual services are provided depending on the technical capabilities of the UGS facilities and considering already allocated capacity.


According to Chapter 1 of Section IX of the Gas Storage Facilities Code, nomination/renomination of the Customers, to whom interrupted storage (injection, withdrawal) service is provided, may be confirmed with the reduction of natural gas volume, requested by the Customer in nomination/renomination. Reduction/rejection shall be done in the following merit order:

  • Individual day-ahead service of injection/withdrawal
  • Individual service of injection/withdrawal for month.


If the services have the same provision duration, the reduction shall be made in the order of nominations/renominations receipt.


PROTOCOL on rejection of nominations/renominations due to the lack of free injection/withdrawal capacity, approved by the order of JSC «Ukrtransgaz», dated August 4, 2020 No.456 (Protocol)


Recently, there is observed significant increase in demand for the use of gas storage facilities capacities of JSC "Ukrtransgaz. Therefore, it is asked to respectively perform in the booking of monthly individual services of injection / withdrawal.


Notice, that according to the Gas Storage Facilities Code, individual services for the term of 1 month are provided on the conditions of 100% prepayment.

The obligation to pay for storage (injection, withdrawal) services arises when the customer receives the results of the capacity allocation procedure (agreed application for the capacity allocation), taking into account the terms of prepayment specified by the Gas Storage Code and the Agreement on Natural Gas Storage (Injection, Withdrawal). (paragraph 6 of Chapter 4 of Section VII of the Code).


If the prepayment was not provided by the Customer of storage (injection, withdrawal) services in the term tipulated by the paragraph 2 of Chapter 4 of Section VI, then the SSO suspend the access to the allocated capacity, to which the requirements on prepayment was not fulfilled. For the period of suspension, such Customer is not released from its obligation to pay for allocated capacity.


Important notice! We are glad to inform you that dated from the 20th May 2020 in the I-Platform of the SSO is implemented an opportunity for the Customers of storage services to submit:


-separate nominations/ renominations in the customs warehouse regime with the sign “short-haul”

- trade notifications with the sign “short-haul”

* "Short-haul" - on the terms of use of capacity with restrictions.