Storage System Operator entered winter with 16 bcm gas reserves

As of December 1, 2021, 16 bcm* of gas are being stored in the underground storage facilities of Ukraine. This is 7.5% more vs an average level of UGS filling at the beginning of December 2011-2019. In particular, a level of UGS filling as of December 1, 2014 was 13.8 bcm, and as of December 1, 2016 – 13.4 bcm.

Thus, a network of the Ukrainian gas storage facilities will be able to operate smoothly in the current heating season, provided that a stable situation is being kept in other constituents of the energy sector of Ukraine.  

Gas withdrawal

During November this year, 2 bcm were physically withdrawn from the Ukrainian underground storage facilities. This parameter is 11% higher vs year-over-year. In total, 2.7 bcm have been withdrawn from the Ukrainian UGS facilities since the beginning of the 2021/2022 withdrawal season

Relatively high gas withdrawal level at the beginning of the season is caused by the fact that foreign service customers re-exported their own gas reserves. 

Natural gas reserves in UGS

As of December 1, 2021, natural gas reserves in UGS facilities amounted to 16 bcm. This is 39% less vs year-over-year. At the same time, this parameter is 7.5% higher vs an average level of UGS filling in 2011-2019. 

Use of “Customs Warehouse” ** and “short-haul” *** services

As of December 1, 2021, foreign traders have been storing 1.1 bcm in the “Customs Warehouse” mode. This is 8.4 times less vs year-over-year. Of these, 0.9 bcm were accumulated in the “short-haul” mode. Resident companies store 0.5 bcm of gas in the “Customs wWarehouse” mode, which is 2 times less vs year-over-year. Of these, the volume transmitted to the UGS facilities in the “short-haul” mode is 0.4 bcm.

* w/o reserves of Verhunske UGS, located on temporarily occupied territory;

** “Customs Warehouse” is a custom regime, which allows the customer to save natural gas in storage facilities of Ukraine up to 1095 days without paying taxes and customs duties;

*** “Short haul” is a service that gives the opportunity to receive a discount on transportation between certain points of entry or exit on inter-state connections (capacity with restrictions), including for further storage of natural gas in UGS of Ukraine.
