Ukrtransgaz is switching over to gas injection season for UGS

March 19, 2020, Kyiv – Ukrtransgaz is completing the withdrawal season and is preparing to inject gas to the underground storages. Currently customers can order both of these services.


Two UGSs are already in the injection mode and 53 million cubic meters of gas have been injected. The rest of the storages are being prepared for the neutral period – they will have the routine technical maintenance before the start of injection.


Notice, for those who did not order the annual guaranteed capacity, the injection and withdrawal services are available on the interruptible basis – monthly or daily. However, it needs to pay attention to the technical features of the gas storage facility in the neutral period – at this time the customer's access to the facilities may be restricted. In order to avoid such restrictions in the future, the gas storage operator recommends to customers to order annual guaranteed capacity next year.


For information, currently there are 15.9 billion cubic meters of gas in the UGSs, including in the customs warehouse regime – 1.6 billion cubic meters, that are owned by traders from countries such as Switzerland, France, USA, Estonia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Germany, Ireland.

