Ukraine’s UGS contains almost 28 bсm of gas. This will allow a stable heating season

At the beginning of October, the volume of natural gas in domestic underground storage facilities reached the level of 27.9 bcm*. This is the largest UGS loading level for last ten years. High gas reserves will stabilize the gas market and allow the 2020/2021 heating season to run smoothly even in cold winter.

Gas injection

The volume of natural gas injected into the UGS of Ukraine for nine months of the current year is 15.9 bcm This is 6.3% more than in 2019.

Of these, residents pumped 7.5 bcm of gas, what represents a decrease of 42.8 per cent over the previous year. At the same time, domestic gas storage facilities are being actively resupplied by non-residents. Since the beginning of 2020, they have been injected into UGS 8.4 bcm gas, which is 4.4 times more than last year.

Use of services «Customs warehouse»** and «short haul»***

As of October, 1 2020, foreign traders store in «Customs warehouse» regime 9.7 bcm of gas. This is 4.2 times more than in the same period of last year. Of these 5.9 bcm is accumulated in «short haul» regime. Resident companies store in the «Customs warehouse» regime 1.3 bcm, which is three times less than in 2019. The volume of gas pumped into UGS in «short haul» regime is 0.195 bcm.

Natural gas reserve in UGS

By early October, the reserve of natural gas in underground storage facilities is 27.9 bcm of gas. This is 37% higher than last year’s figures.

Three Ukrainian UGS – Dashavske, Bogorodchanske and Kegychivske – have already completed the injection season of 2020 with a filling level of about 99%.

“This year the filling level of Ukrainian gas storage will reach the highest level in the last ten years. Accordingly, on the part of the UGS operator, we made sure that the nearest heating season will pass without crises. We do not exclude that Ukraine will start its gas exports to EU countries if the situation on the European market will be favorable. In domestic UGS there are enough reserves for today not only to provide warm for Ukrainians, but also to obtain additional income from gas sales abroad”, - noted Sergiy Pereloma, acting general director of Ukrtransgaz JSC.

* not including the reserves of Vergunske UGS, located on temporarily occupied territory of Donetsk region;

** «Customs warehouse» is a custom regime, which allows the client to save natural gas in storage facilities of Ukraine up to 1095 days without paying taxes and customs duties;

*** «Short haul» is a service that gives the opportunity to receive a discount on transportation between certain points of entry or exit on inter-state connections (power with restrictions), including for further storage of natural gas in Ukrainian UGS. 

