The algorithm for mapping key performance indicators of underground gas storage facilities changed
Since 18.09.2020 Ukrtransgaz JSC as an operator of gas storage facilities of Ukraine has changed the algorithm of mapping key performance indicators of UGS on its site. The reporting is now more detailed. In particular, the company has identified the resources available but does not plan to use them in the injection/withdrawal process any time soon.
These changes did not influence the actual active gas supply in UGS and the technical specifications of gas storage facilities. However, thanks to them transparency and openness of Ukrtransgaz JSC increased, first of all, before customers of gas storage services.
- Long-term gas is separated. This is a total 4.662 bcm of natural gas, which is not expected to be taken out before the end of 2022. In this way our customers can realistically estimate the planned quantities and rate of gas withdrawal/injection from UGS.
- Vergunske UGS is allocated separately with a capacity of 400 mcm. The UGS is located on the territory of temporarily uncontrolled Ukraine. Today it is not connected to the Ukrainian GTS.
- The total free capacity of Ukrainian gas storage facilities does not include the capacities of the Olishevske, Krasnopopivske and Vergunske gas storage facilities, where injection is not planned.
The change of the algorithm for mapping key performance indicators of UGS will not influence the fulfillment of the duties of Ukrtransgaz JSC before the clients on gas injection and withdrawal.
The new algorithm will also be applied to the information provided by Ukrtransgaz JSC to the Gas Infrastructure Europe site Gas Infrastructure Europe site.