Sergiy Oleksienko left the position of CEO of Ukrtransgaz JSC

Sergiy Oleksienko left the position of CEO of Ukrtransgaz JSC on August 5, 2020. From August 6, 2020, Sergiy Pereloma is the acting CEO of Ukrtransgaz JSC. 

Sergiy Oleksienko joined the board of Ukrtransgaz in March 2017 and was responsible for the financial management of the company. From March 2019 he leaded the Company.

During his management of Ukrtransgaz, a number of transformations took place, which significantly influenced the gas market of Ukraine as well as the EU.

  • In 2017-2018, the company firstly developed and approved a 10-year program for the development of GTS, taking into account the risks of a transit stoppage from Gazprom.In this way, the cost-effectiveness of capital investments has increased considerably.
  • The principles of internal control were fundamentally changed and transparency of calculations and relations with counterparties increased significantly.This reduced the risks in procurement substantially.
  • In 2019 the implementation of one of the most successful reforms in government sector of Ukraine – unbundling of an independent Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine - was completed. 
  • In 2020, the Company fully paid its debts to suppliers and market participants.Thus, Ukrtransgaz made sure that unbundling of the independent GTS Operator ended without crises.
  • In 2019-2020, Ukrainian UGS started to attract foreign traders actively.The number of foreign customers of Ukrtransgaz has increased from 7 in early 2019 to more than 60 now, and the volume of gas they store has increased from 47 million to more than 5 bcm accordingly. Ukrainian UGS have become one of the reliable pillars of the EU gas market. 
  • This year the level of filling of Ukrainian UGS should become the highest for years of independence of Ukraine – 25.5-26.5 bcm. At the end of July, it already exceeded last year’s maximum – 22 bcm.

“We are sincerely grateful to Sergiy for the significant contribution he has made over the years in Ukrtransgaz and Naftogaz. During this time the company passed through a large-scale transformation, consolidated its reputation and became a full-fledged player in the gas market of Europe”, - noted the chairman of Naftogaz Group Andriy Kobolev.

“For me personally, work in Ukrtransgaz was a great challenge and source of inspiration, often beyond what I thought was physically possible. I really appreciate the support of the company and I am grateful to the team, where I met with professionals dedicated to their work”, - noted Sergiy Oleksienko.


