PJSC “UKRTRANSGAZ” and SNTGN TRANSGAZ SA annouced public consultations for interconnection agreement for IP Medieşu Aurit / Tekovo
PJSC “UKRTRANSGAZ” continues its proactive work on implementation of best European practices in Interconnection Points with EU Member States, ensuring free and non-discriminatory access to transmission capacities for all participants of Ukrainian and European natural gas markets.
In order to extend integration of Ukrainian transmission system to transmission systems of EU Member States, PJSC “UKRTRANSGAZ” together with adjacent TSOs investigate all possibilities to fight with monopoly of PJSC “Gazprom”, which limits and for some directions totally blocks access of independent companies to infrastructure of Ukrainian GTS.
European rules proved their efficiency in Europe – they led to optimization of utilization of transmission capacities, ensuring security of natural gas supplies among EU countries. Implementation of such rules will lead to increase of use of Ukrainian transmission system, and will allow transportation of natural gas between European countries through the territory of Ukraine. Free and non-discriminatory access to entry/exit points of Ukrainian GTS will also attract EU companies to Ukrainian underground storages, as they will have the opportunity to deliver natural gas to Ukraine, store it in Ukrainian storages and after that either sell it to Ukrainian customers or supply it back to EU Member States.
The TSOs of Ukraine and Romania (SNTGN TRANSGAZ SA) are working on bringing business practices in IPs between them into line with requirements of European legislation. In July last year the TSOs signed the Interconnection Agreement for IP Isaccea 1, through which natural gas is supplied to Bulgarian consumers.
Currently the TSOs intend to conclude an interconnection agreement for Interconnection Point Medieşu Aurit / Tekovo, which is used to deliver natural gas to Romanian consumers.
According to art. 4.2 of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/703 of 30 April 2015 establishing a network code on interoperability and data exchange rules, both TSOs invite the network users to comment on the proposed text of:
1) rules for the matching process,
2) rules for the allocation of gas quantities,
3) communication procedures in case of exceptional events.
SNTGN TRANSGAZ SA and PJSC “UKRTRANSGAZ”submit for public consultation the rules for matching process and allocation of gas quantities, the communication procedures in case of exceptional events as well as other Network User relevant provisions.
This consultation will run from 1 July 2017 until 1 September 2017.
The public consultation has the aim to collect the opinions from all potential network users regarding the transmission of natural gas through the IP Medieşu Aurit / Tekovo.
The present Interconnection Agreement project envisages the physical flow of natural gas in the direction Ukraine - Romania and the virtual flow in the direction Romania - Ukraine. At present the physical flow of natural gas in the direction Romania - Ukraine is not possible due to the minimum pressure requirements required for takeover of natural gas. Potentially, the TSOs are considering establishment of physical transmission the direction Romania – Ukraine.
All responses should be submitted to both TSOs in English at the following e-mails: consultation_ia@transgaz.ro and businesscooperation@utg.ua.
Please indicate explicitly if the responses contain information that is confidential with regard to third parties.
SNTGN TRANSGAZ S.A. and PJSC “UKRTRANSGAZ”will evaluate the comments received during the consultation, and if necessary, adjust the text of the draft interconnection agreement.
The relevant provisions of the draft Interconnection Agreement between SNTGN TRANSGAZ SA and PJSC “UKRTRANSGAZ” are available here.
We are looking forward to receiving your opinions.