About company

Ukrtransgaz JSC provides operation of Ukrainian UGS facilities as well as upgrade and construct gas pipelines and its objects. Ukrtransgaz JSC is the state owned company, a part of Naftogaz Group.  

The company owns 12 underground storages, located all over Ukraine. Its active volume is 31 bcm that is proportionate to UGS facilities of Italy, France, Hungary and Austria put together. Such capacity gives Ukraine significant opportunities in attraction of gas storage clients, including European ones.    

Ukrtransgaz JSC also has branches that provides complex service support, construction and major repairs of gas transmission facilities. At the same time these structural units are part of Naftogaz Group Division «Technical Support». 

Ukrtransgaz JSC managed Ukrainian gas transmission network till January 1, 2020. After the unbundling Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine carries out this function.

 Booklet of the Storage System Operator of Ukraine