TSO unbundling status presented by Pawel Stanczak on Ukrainian Energy Week'18

The first day of the Ukrainian Energy Week '18 forum started with the panel about the integration of the Ukrainian gas market to the EU and unbundling of the TSO operator. Pawel Stanczak, General Director of the TSO of Ukraine, reported on the unbundling status in Ukraine. Here are the key messages of the presentation:

  • The first stage of unbundling is completed – TSO of Ukraine brunch is created, and 300 employees that are responsible for the gas transportation are already transferred to brunch.
  • SSO Branch is established. Currently, all preparation procedure on redistribution production and business processes as well as the inventory of available assets are ongoing.  By the end of 2018, it is planned to complete the transfer of employees to SSO Branch who will provide the work of underground gas storages.
  • Next year we plan to expand the structure of the brunch “TSO of Ukraine” to review the assets and to fulfill the teams in all streams to meet the requirements of operator certification.
  • The final step is a legal separation from the Naftogaz Group and the accreditation of the new independent TSO. We are currently holding a consultation process on choosing the most optimal solution.
  • Besides, an important step is to invest in the development of the TSO, improve the energy efficiency of the system, and reduce environmental impact. To achieve these, we are modernizing the critical objects of our gas transmission system.
  • What is essential, we are continually cooperating and have significant support from our colleagues from the European operators of the GTS, and negotiations are underway to attract the partner.
