Russian gas transit via Ukraine increases to record high in five years

7 June 2017, Kyiv — Transit volumes of Russian natural gas transported through the Ukrainian GTS in the first five months of 2017 increased by 22% compared to the same period of 2016 and by 64% compared to the same period of 2015. This year’s volume has hit the record high for the last five years, exceeding the average transit volume for January-May 2013-2016 by nearly 9 bcm.


Natural gas transmission from Russia through other routes in the same period has remained nearly stable. Gazpromthus covers the increase and fluctuations of demand for Russian gas in the EU primarily by using the capacities and flexibility of the Ukraine’s Direct Stream.


Since the start of the year, 38.26 bcm of gas have been transported for Gazprom. This is 6.86 bcm (22%) more than in 2016, 14.90 bcm (64%) more than in 2015, 7.71 bcm (25%) more than in 2014, and 6.09 bcm (19%) more than in 2013.


Dynamics of natural gas transit via Ukraine’s GTS for January-May 2013 – 2017, mcm/day


Source: UKRTRANSGAS dispatcher service


